AUDIOMIND: DJ|Photography|Design|Web Development|Electronic Music

Why Molly Is Wonderful……

For those out there who read this journal and who have experienced the brilliant marvels of that lady named MOLLY, first hand [‘digitally’ or in person], I want you to lay the foundations [list the reasons] why you believe she is such a wonderful person.

I want you to be explicit and whole-heartedly honest in the your response.

Feel free to post this entry [modified of course] in your own journal, in indication of those who also have such an encouraging, wonderfully intense and positive effect on your lives.





4 responses to “Why Molly Is Wonderful……”

  1. audiomind Avatar

    how could i have ever imagined how much of a positive and domineering force she would play in the realm of my spirit, mind and heart………

  2. audiomind Avatar

    does there really exist the need for an underlying explanation of ‘it’ all?


    many things just ‘are’!

    …….and to go any deeper than that is to driver yourself mad with panic and misconstrued interpretation.

  3. lipan_lenore Avatar

    thats embarassing and i wish you hadnt…

    1. audiomind Avatar

      not exactly……then again who off of my friends list knows you?
      a point needs to be levelled and i will not update with another entry until i get some responses here.

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