AUDIOMIND: DJ|Photography|Design|Web Development|Electronic Music

the gasoline goes dry >>> in real time!!!!

TAKE NOTE THAT 95% OF THESE PICs ARE FROM COMPLETELY DIFFERENT GAS STATIONS IN THE CHARLOTTE NC METRO AREA! …….plus these pics don’t even take into account all the cars that littered the streets surrounding these gas stations!!!

You’ll notice how day slowly progressed into night, but I got tired of taking any more pics after darkness fell.

This event was quite the spectacle……and yes I do realize that i got a little obsessed with documenting the [expected] consequence of America’s gas guzzling hordes and got a little carried away with conveying the underlying point of this whole [preventable] mess.

Nevertheless, welcome to the future where PEAK OIL is a true reality.






28 responses to “the gasoline goes dry >>> in real time!!!!”

  1. girlvixxxen Avatar

    Why isn’t your HTML working? Weirdness.

    1. audiomind Avatar

      got it fixed…..

      1. shadowbunny Avatar

        Yeah if you buy it from the pump instead of making it yourself…I have to admit though I do not have any amount of time (even remotely) to spend buying the equipment then learning how to do it, then actually doing it. That’s fucked up how the IRS is putting such a high tax incentive on something that cost a fraction of regular gasoline.

    1. jutecat Avatar

      fuck that. my brother just gets cooking oil and filters it.
      his diesel truck runs for cheap and smells like BBQ.

  2. katowns Avatar

    People are just freaking out about the whole hurricane thing, I personally arent too worried about it, God provides for his children.

  3. lukadia Avatar

    We had that in Bellevue and Omaha on 9/11. It started around 5 pm and went til dark. People were gouging it up to $5 bucks a gallon…

    BTW thanks for visiting our fine town that day, President Bush. Best freeway roadblocks I ever saw.

  4. rdbrd82 Avatar

    That was a fuckload of pictures. And cars. Both pictures and cars.

    1. audiomind Avatar

      mostly cars…..

  5. fadedwinter Avatar

    no, they won’t ever end.

  6. yankeewanky Avatar

    Only 2.99? Pretty good. I haev friends in areas where it’s almost 3.50.

    Message to energy/car companies- I’ll buy a hydrogen fueled car. Just get the car and fuel available!!!!!

    I’ve heard it said that people will would club baby seals themselves if baby seal could make fuel for $1.50 a gallon.

    1. audiomind Avatar

      YEA…….it’s has gotten up to almost 4 dollars by this morning….

  7. emh4ever Avatar

    Well I kinda got the point after the first 30 pictures but okay :D;

    1. audiomind Avatar

      Are you crashing my documentary? FOFL…..

  8. lostangelsixx Avatar

    This shit gets too bad, don’t even think I won’t transfer to a call center 5 miles up the street, and go for a hybrid vehicle. I’m still (silently) pulling for the artsy little commune, where we can live on minimal resources and escape this bullshit. One can dream.

    ~Much Love

  9. parapraxes Avatar

    No more Super unleaded for me. ;_;

  10. tehsp0rk Avatar

    You’re not alone. It was the same damn shit in New York. Huge lines blocking traffic, accidents, fights… It’s really scary. This is what happens when you depend so much on a finite resource.

  11. amandavanessa Avatar

    It’s amusing to me that Americans are bitching about having to pay $3 a gallon. I am from Niagara Falls, Canada where we are currently paying $1.25 a liter. Now, there are approx. 4 liters in a gallon which means I am paying $5 a gallon.

    1. audiomind Avatar

      For common folk like me [who just barely scrapes by month-to-month] who are used to a lower price of gasoline [compared to a few other countries around the world], you must realize that Americans are price gouged on MOST everything besides gasoline…….food, electronics, clothing, vehicles, medicine, health care, EVERYTHING.

      This sudden dramatic increase in the cost of ‘energy’ alone [think about what it will be like for those who have to use gas to heat their homes this fall/winter] will cause the number [of 54 million people in the USA who live in poverty, according to recent estimates] of those in poverty to increase exponentially.

      1. shadowbunny Avatar

        …and actually you’re pics are old. Today gas is $4.50-$5.00/gallon 🙁

      2. kiteless Avatar

        Actually no, we aren’t gouged on everything else. I used to live near the border and we’d go to Toronto or Niagara Falls and -everything- was more expensive in Canada. Food, clothes, etc. Especially since they have two types of taxes too. The ONLY thing that is cheaper in Canada is medical crap. And honestly, if you ask people in say, Quebec, they’d RATHER pay for medical service than take their state run stuff.

        1. audiomind Avatar

          someone must have to be rich to live in canada then…..fofl.

    2. kiteless Avatar

      Just out of curiosity, why don’t you drive across the border to get gas on the States side? Now granted, I haven’t done a border crossing in YEARS (I no longer live in Buffalo NY), so it could be a giant pain in the ass now. But if it is similar to what I remember, maybe it would be worth it?

  12. jutecat Avatar

    ya im in PA and our gas is way more expensive. its more expensive in eastern PA than it is in south central for some reason. :/

    i think its a good time for us all to convert to:
    1. Diesel. which can run off of cooking oil as long as you filter it
    2. scooters, which can get 60 mpg or more
    3. bicycles!

    GO BUSH GOO!!!!
    “energy crisis? what energy crisis!?”

  13. decrepit_doll Avatar

    Amen for living in new york city near a subway and bus system that is amazing. i am sooo glad to be somewhere where there is adequate public transportation. There needs to be more money in the budget for places to build more adequate public transportation. we waste money (as a country, tax dollars i mean) on so much stupid shit, but we can’t build good public transport systems in larger cities? WTF? In Atlanta the public transportation stsyem is horrible. you would think a large city like that would be better (i used to live there). anyhow, enough ranting. good luck out there for those of you who have to rely on personal cars as your only means of locomotion.

  14. rebekah29 Avatar

    Gas in Central MA this morning was $3.11 & by 5pm was up to $3.41. The cars were lined up like that here in our small town as well.

  15. lonenomad Avatar

    Hey, welcome to Puerto Rico.

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