a new Star Wars TV series is set to run at least 100 episodes…….
From the article:
“The series will be set between episodes three and four of the film saga. It would cover the 20 years in the life of Luke Skywalker growing up that remains a mystery to most film-goers. McCallum said there would be ‘a whole bunch of new characters’ and the series would be ‘much more dramatic and darker.’”
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that the IRS has proposed rule changes allowing tax-return preparers, like H&R Block, to sell an individual’s return information to marketers and data brokers. The proposed rule [PDF], which does contain some substantive protections for the processing of electronic returns, was published in the Federal Register on December 8, 2005. The official comment period has passed, but hearings will be held this month.
The CATO institute has published a paper criticizing the DMCA entitled ‘The Perverse Consequences of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.’
From the article:
‘The DMCA is anti-competitive. It gives copyright holders–and the technology companies that distribute their content–the legal power to create closed technology platforms and exclude competitors from interoperating with them. Worst of all, DRM technologies are clumsy and ineffective; they inconvenience legitimate users but do little to stop pirates.’
The report is definitely worth taking a look at, as it puts into words what most of us know already.
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