in response to this story……:
Many people have become familiar with the mechanics of the RIAA lawsuit engine. One of the agents of the RIAA, such as Media Sentry, downloads a file from an unsuspecting file-sharer. A screenshot is made of the individual’s shared directory, or several files are downloaded to ensure a viable case. The individual’s IP address is then obtained. The RIAA then subpoenas the file-sharer’s ISP requesting the personal information associated with that IP address when the alleged upload occurred. The RIAA then informs the unsuspecting file-sharer of an impending lawsuit, but also gives the option to settle. A typical settlement costs between $3,000 and $5,000 US.
The new RIAA plan implements a device called a “pre-lawsuit letter”. The plan is currently underway, as the RIAA has already sent 400 of these letters to various college campuses. Basically, the letter is sent to the collegeor university, and is then forwarded to the student. Instead of threatening a lawsuit outrightly, within 20 days the student has the option to settle at a “discount”. The RIAA would not elaborate on how much this discount was. We can only speculate that it is less than the current financial lawsuit threshold of $3,000.”
i give you a song…..
Buddy you’re a boy, make a big noise
Playing music in school, gonna be a big man some day
You got music on myspace
You big disgrace
Kickin your ipod all over the placeWe will, we will, sue you
We will, we will, sue youBuddy you’re a young man, pirate man
Shoutin’ in the school gonna take on the MAFIAA some day
You got music on myspace
You big disgrace
Wavin’ your napster all over the placeWe will, we will, sue you
We will, we will, sue youBuddy you’re an old man, poor man
Pleadin’ with our lawyers gonna make you pay todayYou lost your court case
You big disgrace
The MAFIAA kicked you off of myspaceWe will, we will, sue you
We will, we will, sue you
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