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Papers Please: Arrested At Circuit City for Refusing to Show Receipt and Not Producing A License

“Michael Righi was arrested in Ohio over the weekend after refusing to show his receipt when leaving Circuit City. When the manger and ‘loss prevention’ employee physically prevented the vehicle he was a passenger in from leaving the parking lot, he called the police, who arrived, searched his bag and found he hadn’t stolen anything. The officer then asked for Michael’s driver’s license, which he declined to provide since he wasn’t operating a motor vehicle. The officer then arrested him, and upon finding out Michael was legally right about not having to provide a license, went ahead and charged him with ‘obstructing official business’ anyways.”

read more | digg story | Real ID coming to a State near you | Stop and Identify Statutes |
Rather than flashing a receipt at the exit door of a retail store, flash this slip of paper protesting the store’s idiocy and invasion of privacy. Here’s the pdf:

What are your thoughts on this…….?

To many it may seem a trivial act of producing your ‘papers’, but to me it strikes at the very heart of who I am; and as Mike puts it, “I am interested in living my life on strong principles and standing up for my rights as a consumer, a U.S. citizen and a human being.” Treating me as if I’m a criminal for simply walking towards the exit door with items I’ve purchased at the nearest checkout is not my idea of customer service and if I must make a scene to demonstrate my disagreement with their ridiculous policy, then so be it.





One response to “Papers Please: Arrested At Circuit City for Refusing to Show Receipt and Not Producing A License”

  1. shadowbunny Avatar


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