AUDIOMIND: DJ|Photography|Design|Web Development|Electronic Music

Mass Invite Friends to a Facebook Page or Event

types-of-facebook-friendsHow many times have you’ve asked yourself why does sending Facebook page and event invitations have to be so freak’n difficult? Don’t you wish you could easily and quickly send invites to all your Facebook friends without having to select each one individually? It is time consuming and repetitively insane to invite all your friends to a page or event on Facebook. Unfortunately, Facebook forces you to select each and every person to send them an invite. But what do you do if you have 1000+ friends and you want to send all of them an invite? Will you have to spend an entire day, a week or even a month selecting them?


Lucky for you, below I have a working solution which is very simple to implement. Guaranteeing you lots of Likes and people learning about your awesome event!

I’ve managed to do this fairly easy in the Mozilla Firefox browser, but am not sure if there are similar plugins and processes with other browsers. Please offer your suggestions and ideas in the comments below.

Steps on How To Mass Invite Friends on Facebook

  1. First you’ll need Firefox and the Web Developer app.
  2. Open up your Facebook page in Firefox.
  3. Click ‘Build Audience‘ near the middle top side of your page and click ‘Invite Friends‘.


  4. A pop-up window will now appear. Click ‘Search All Friends‘.


  5. Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down until your entire friends list is loaded.
  6. Now go to your Firefox browser menu and click ‘Tools -> Web Developer -> Scratchpad’.

  7. Copy and paste the Javascript code below into the Scratchpad app.
    javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

  8. Click ‘Execute -> Run’in the Scratchpad app and watch in amazement as all your friends get selected.

  9. After all your friends have been selected click ‘Submit’.

That is all there is to it. You have now successfully and easily invited all your friends within mere seconds!

Tell me about your experience in your comments.





11 responses to “Mass Invite Friends to a Facebook Page or Event”

  1. jawad Avatar

    it is not working, it says illegal character :( 

    1. AUDIOMIND Avatar

       Send me a screenshot so I can see when/how the error occurs.

    2. AUDIOMIND Avatar

      Copy the javascript code above and try again. There was a hidden HTML character in there. Sorry. 😉

  2. Sherryl Frauenglass Avatar

    I got the same error message!

    1. AUDIOMIND Avatar

      Copy the javascript code above and try again. There was a hidden HTML character in there. Sorry. 😉

  3. Michael Avatar

    Facebook won’t let me invite all the selected friends. It says they’ve been invited, but I’m still able to invite them again. I think it caps at like 21 people or something like that. Is there a way to bypass this? I have to invite 5000 people for my job. 

  4. Cas Avatar

    This looks different to my page…is it a fan page, or a smart-phone app?

  5. Cas Avatar

    This is only an invite to a fan page, NOT an event!

    1. AUDIOMIND Avatar

      Just tried it and it worked for both an event and fan page Cas.

  6. MW Avatar

    OK, THAT was easy! Thanks so much!

  7. Matthew Castriotta Avatar
    Matthew Castriotta is a new Mass Invite Utility for Facebook Event

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