Happen to read this discussion on slashdot earlier and thought it was a fairly good discussion, so I decided to post a sample of what one person said so eloquently:
So this is what it has come to, has it?You quit.
That’s it?
It’s over?
You’re going to let your country expire because you’re too lazy to get up off your asses and take it back? The US is (or was) the perfect example of a country. You were oppressed by some ruling class that wanted to tax you with representing you, take away your rights, and treat you like the lousy commoners you are. Instead of leaving to go to other countries, your ancestors said, “Hey, that’s not right. We can do a better job.” You overthrew the government and made the biggest, roughest, smartest country that the world has ever known. You invented electric lights, developed flight, split the atom, and you walked on the fucking moon. You showed the world, “This is what we are capable of as human beings when we work together. Man and woman, rich and poor, white and black, side by side.”
Yeah, you’ve had some rough times. A few dickheads have metagamed and bent the rules towards their own sociopathic ends. It’s hard to stage a revolt and take back your country when there are laws preventing you from doing so.
But you know what? There were laws against revolting from England, too. I’m sure that your founding fathers would have been hanged (lethal injection not being around at the time) or sent to The Tower (Gitmo not being around at the time either). Yeah, you might die. You might have to go to war. You’ve done that before – twice, and internally! – so that the side of freedom would prevail.
I am not an American. I think that for the most part, you’re a bunch of arrogant assholes. But you know what? You deserve to be arrogant. A large part of the hostility you get from foreigners is jealousy. Yes, jealousy. You’re a young country. You’re less than 300 years old. How does that make a 3000 year old country look when you completely surpass their technology, human rights, and standard of living? Yeah, they’d look stupid for just sitting around in the desert when they could have been using the tools that were just lying around. You are the most powerful nation in the history of the planet. There is nothing in this universe that you cannot do. All you require is the will to do it.
If you leave, if you give up, that jealousy will turn to hatred – hatred that you threw out one of the best things that’s happened to the world. And you are. Yeah, sometimes the US is a belligerent force. You’ve made some mistakes – and we all know what they are. But when there are earthquakes, the US is there. When there is starvation, the US is there. When there are floods, tsunamis, or hurricanes the US is there. Sometimes you go to the wrong places or have misguided or corrupt leaders. For the most part, you are a force for good. At least, you try to be.
We all make mistakes. Mistakes can be forgiven.
Don’t give up.
If you don’t like what’s happening to your country, then don’t quit it. Fight it. Fight to keep your country safe and secure. The only threat to your country comes from within.
Be strong. Stay and fight.
Move? This is exactly what ‘they’ want. Down the road ‘they’ won’t have to worry about you if push comes to shove.
Instead, stay and ‘fight’ for what you believe to be right, no matter if it KILLS you. There have been those who have lived, long before you (or I), that have died to uphold the ideals our founding fathers enshrined.
Is it better to give up, or be held in high-esteem for holding to principles that reflect the foundations of what this country was created upon?
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