AUDIOMIND: DJ|Photography|Design|Web Development|Electronic Music

Harvest Bible Institute Pictures – Charlotte NC





13 responses to “Harvest Bible Institute Pictures – Charlotte NC”

  1. vxo Avatar

    Wow… that’s a beautifully decayed structure, and a group of even more beautiful photographs.

  2. arradius Avatar

    Fantastic photographs 🙂

  3. shadowbunny Avatar

    you shoulda took pics of the pile of porn boxes outside by the fridge. did you see those? “BABES GETTING SPRAYED FOR 4 HOURS!” wewt, baby, wewt. now thats art.

  4. electropunk Avatar

    Love the pic of the main chapel area… It reminds me of when I was in Jr high stuck at a church camp meeting. I would stare at the architecture to pass the time and imagined what it would look like abandoned and in ruin, with vines growing into the broken windows. I certainly didn’t to listen to the background noise about “getting right with god” or whatever tripe the guy was saying.

    great pics 🙂

  5. msamericana Avatar

    Very cool. I liked the vines a lot.

  6. meow Avatar


  7. dead_like_you Avatar

    the second is my favorite, but i love all the window shots.

    the sepia toned one especially.

  8. lostangelsixx Avatar

    Beautiful pictures of destruction.
    ~Much Love

  9. vinomazzei Avatar

    Very nice work.

  10. vandringar Avatar

    Those are some amazing photos! I especially like the ones of the ivy growing in through the windows. Where is this place? Do you know its age and how long its been abandoned?

    1. audiomind Avatar

      there is more to this story, believe me, but i will wait until I release the next set of pictures of this place….and let the visuals tell the story…..

      this is the area where the structure is located:

  11. celestial_chaos Avatar

    Oh, I love them.. especially the second one.

    They remind me of pictures I took in Detroit of burnt down crack houses.. minus the pretty vines.

    1. audiomind Avatar

      detroit looks like a squadron of bombers hit much of it……truly the nations ghetto……fofl

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