‘Someday’ is a word filled with promise and possibility. “Someday I want to …” we say dreamily, finishing the sentence with a variety of specific or vague plans. There are books to read, trips to take, projects to start or finish.
But then clocks tick and calendar pages turn. Months and years go by, and “someday” never quite comes. Caught up in careers and families, duties and interruptions, we become masters of postponement.
Ask friends and relatives what they’d like to do “someday,” and the responses can be intriguing: Start painting again. Take piano lessons. Kicking the living shit out of the DPRK in the game Mercenaries. Visit the Great Wall. Trace family genealogy. Have oral sex. Attend an opera.(sic)
So many dreams, so little spare time.
Still, even the simple act of putting pen to paper and listing those dreams can spur hope that the simpler items, at least, could be carved out of moments that might otherwise be frittered away. From there, who knows? Even the grander goals might begin to take shape.
If it’s never too early to start a life list, it may never be too late, either. Someday could come tomorrow, or even today.
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