Having been an avid supporter of Ron Paul ever since I first heard about him back in the late 90s, I’ve been doing as much as I can for his campaign bid for the 2008 presidential nomination…..online primarily.
There is a little something I’ve been working on that needs a bit of help though and costs nothing. I’ve put together a pledge to get 100 people to write a letter to their local newspaper’s ‘letter to the editor’ Op-Ed page. The pledge ends the last day of August ’07 and I’m hoping to get at least 100 other people on board with me before the end of August.
I need as many people to pledge as possible, so I’m asking if you’ll please sign the pledge and help out Ron Paul in this small way, a way I believe could create great exposure for a candidate that is almost being wholly ignored by the mainstream media. If at least 100 people get their opinions out to newspapers all across the nation, I believe we could jump-start a massive letter writing campaign to Opinion-Editorial pages across the nation.
Please go to: http://www.pledgebank.com/ronpaulsupport and give us your pledge.
I’ll create a sample letter here shortly that can be used by others if they need an example to go by.
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