Tag: photoshop
How to Fix A Washed Out Sky in A Photograph
http://www.beyondmegapixels.com/2008/02/how-to-fix-washed-out-skies-in.html More often than not, the sky will always be brighter than the ground when you take landscape photos. Even if you adjust your camera’s exposure compensation, the sky will almost always end up looking washed out. The easiest way to avoid this problem is by purchasing a Graduated Neutral Density (GND) Filter. This filter…
aggghhhh…..kill photoshop…
I’m in need of becoming a padowan PHOTOSHOP CS2 learner TO a PHOTOSHOP CS2 JEDI MASTER [ex. http://www.opticalblasphemy.com/p_dcon.html], as this CS2 shit-natz is hard as sin to get my head around….. These are some of the more elementary images I am attempting to creatively interweave, as an example of what I’m trying to achieve……fofl…..DON’T LAUGH…