AUDIOMIND: DJ|Photography|Design|Web Development|Electronic Music

Tag: techno

  • Movement 2013 Review (Detroit Electronic Music Festival) With Pictures

    Ahhhhh, DEMF. The one time of year we make the 12 hour pilgrimage from Charlotte, NC to Detroit, MI to experience the proclaimed birthplace and home of techno. The one place we’re guaranteed to hear some wholesome auditory goodness, an escape from the prevalence of edm pop we reluctantly endure in the South.  This is…

  • Movement (Detroit Electronic Music Festival) 2011 Live Mix Sets

    Instead of writing a feverish long review regarding highlights and disappointments of the Detroit Movement Festival (DEMF) 2011, considering the physical ailments and weather, the music (live and direct) should speak for itself below. If you discover any problems with any of these downloads, please let me know in the comments. Cheers! Pictures of the…